Cookie Policy

Please read the following Cookie Policy:

The terms listed below are given the following definitions:

  1. "Website" - the website available at;
  2. "User" - a natural person acting on his/her behalf or for a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, but having legal capacity, who used the Website by browsing the web page available at;
  3. "User's equipment" or "End device" - the telecommunications equipment belonging to the User such as, inter alia, a mobile phone, smartphone, computer, tablet or other mobile device with access to the Internet (a telecommunications device intended to be connected directly or indirectly to terminals network).

What are cookies and how are they used?

Cookies are small text files sent and saved by the Website on the User's End device, containing data on the User's use of the Website ("Cookies"). Cookies are safe for User’s Equipment; they enable the use of the Website.

The information collected by Cookies makes it easier for the User to use the Website, remember the User's preferences and adapt the Website to his needs, in particular these files allow to recognize the User's device and properly display the Website. Cookies are also used to create statistics on Website visits, which allows you to improve the quality of the Website by improving its structure and content, thereby adapting it to the needs of Users.

The site generally uses the following types of Cookies:

  1. Permanent files - they are stored on the User's End device until they are deleted by the User or for the time resulting from their settings.
  2. Session files - temporary files that are stored on the User's End device until logging out, leaving the page or turning off the web browser.
  3. User files - files used for more than one session to: identify products or services added to the basket/favorites section on the Website - so that the User after closing the browser and re-opening it would still have previously added products or services in the basket/favorites.
  4. Third-party files - files such as, in particular, supporting Google Analytics statistics, and other external entities, allowing ad tailoring to Users' preferences and habits.

Cookies used by the Website can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the WebsiteWe would like to inform you that some cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website. These are primarily technical cookies that are required by some IT systems. Necessary cookies are set automatically in response to actions taken by the User, e.g. filling out the contact form, logging into an individual account, and their use does not require consent.The processing of data related to Cookies, the use of which is necessary to enable electronic communication or to provide certain functions of the Website, is carried out on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in the processing of this data in order to ensure the provision of services in a manner free from technical errors.
  2. Other Cookies, including analytical and marketing cookiesOther cookies, i.e. those that are not necessary for the proper functioning of the website, are analytical and marketing cookies.Analytical cookies help, in particular, to analyse statistics on traffic on the Website. In addition, they make it possible to obtain information on how the User uses the Website and which tabs of the Website are the most popular. Analytical cookies are also used to detect various types of threats to the Website. Thanks to analytical cookies, we can adjust the Website to Users' preferences, increase the comfort of using it and monitor its performance.Marketing cookies help us to improve the effectiveness of our marketing activities and adapt them to User's needs and preferences, based on the data held about the User's behaviour on the Website.The User's consent is required for the operation of analytical and marketing cookies. The processing of data related to Cookies, the use of which is not necessary for the functioning of the Website, but provides us with analytical and statistical data, is therefore carried out on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 lit. a) GDPR.

How do we use cookies?

As mentioned above, we use cookies to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with analytics partners like:

Types of Cookies we use

The cookie will not be used for any purpose other than the one stated.

Can Cookies be turned off?

Cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, cannot be turned off by the User. However, if you do not wish to install these types of cookies on your End Device, you can change your browser settings to block all cookies – however in such a case the Website may not function properly.

On the other hand, cookies that are not necessary for the functioning of our Website (including analytical and marketing cookies) can be turned off. However, it is likely that after disabling these cookies the User will not have access to some content of the Website, using the Website may be less effective for the User, and the use of services may also be more difficult.

Restrictions or exclusions of the use of Cookies can be made by the User through appropriate changes in the web browser's settings. These settings can be changed by the User in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of Cookies or to inform about each time they are placed in the User's End Device. Detailed information on how to handle Cookies is available in the settings of web browsers.

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the following button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

Cookie Settings